A Dog Unit Today Keeps Crime Away
The role of the dog section is to provide the highest level of k9 security & prevention
A K9 security handler is as effective as a 4+ man security team
With them being the best visual deterrent & Security in Barnet
A dogs heightened sense of hearing & smell can detect any unwanted visitors.
A dog can locate items/articles/weapons that have been dumped /dropped or concealed during criminal activities.
A dogs sense of smell is 40 times greater than a humans, we have 5million scent receptors in our noses compared to a german shepherds that have roughly 225million receptors.
Typically a dogs sense of smell is used for tracking people on foot, either for criminal apprehension or in search + rescue situations, picking up human scents that are drifting in the air , this makes it possible to follow a fleeing suspect or locate someone hiding in a house, commercial building or other area.
Our well trained , licensed , fully insured dog team is built up of professional & considerate handlers who have been carefully selected and vetted, who take the clients needs very seriously.
whether it be meet and greets at home for you or your children, a premises search, alarm response or clients returning home from a long period of t
Our well trained , licensed , fully insured dog team is built up of professional & considerate handlers who have been carefully selected and vetted, who take the clients needs very seriously.
whether it be meet and greets at home for you or your children, a premises search, alarm response or clients returning home from a long period of time and wish to be greeted by the team, our dog team will meet every clients needs no matter how big or small
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